Clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of various stages of breast cancer by Syndrome differentiation of six meridians
投稿时间:2023-02-15  修订日期:2023-02-15
中文关键词: 乳腺癌  六经辨证  经方诊治  分期辨证
英文关键词: Breast cancer  Syndrome differentiation of six meridians  Classical prescriptions  Syndrome differentiation by stages
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      [目的]将中医药治疗贯穿乳腺癌发展的各个阶段,从六经辨证的角度,运用经方施治,改善乳腺癌患者的生存质量。[方法]根据临床诊治乳腺肿瘤患者的十余年经验,总结出六经辨证及经方诊治各期乳腺癌的治法及代表方剂。[结果] 乳腺癌早期以少阳、阳明病,气滞血瘀痰凝为主,处方用逍遥蒌贝散加减;围手术期(术后)以太阴病,气血两虚为主,常运用八珍汤合阳和汤加减;围化、放疗期以太阴、少阴病,脾肾两虚为主,轻则以香砂六君汤或柴芍六君汤,重则予理中汤或附子理中汤加减治疗;巩固期多以厥阴病,寒热错杂证为主,用乌梅丸为主加减;晚期肿瘤转移,以少阴病,肾阳亏虚为主,方用桂枝芍药知母汤、乌头汤加减。[结论] 运用六经辨证及经方诊治各期乳腺癌,临床疗效显著,对调节乳腺癌患者的免疫功能及增强自身抗癌能力,有着重要的意义。
      [Objective] Using traditional Chinese medicine through various stages of breast cancer development, and to improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients from the perspective of six meridians Syndrome differentiation. [Methods] Based on the experience of clinical diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer patients over the past ten years, we summarized the treatment and representative prescriptions of Syndrome differentiation of six meridians. [Results] The early stage of breast cancer was Shaoyang, Yangming disease, qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm coagulation. During the perioperative period (after operation), it is mainly Taiyin disease and deficiency of both qi and blood. Bazhen Decoction and Heyang decoction are often used; In the perioperative period of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Taiyin and Shaoyin diseases and deficiency of spleen and kidney are the main diseases, ranging from Xiangsha Liujun decoction or Chaishaoliujun Decoction to Lizhong decoction or Fuzi Lizhong decoction; In the consolidation stage, Jueyin disease and mixed cold and heat syndrome are the main symptoms, and Wumei Pill is the main addition and subtraction; Advanced tumor metastasis is mainly Shaoyin disease and kidney yang deficiency. Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction and Aconitum decoction are added and subtracted. [Conclusion] Six meridians differentiation and classical prescriptions in the diagnosis and treatment of various stages of breast cancer have great clinical significance, and is of great significance in regulating the immune function of breast cancer patients and enhancing their anticancer ability.
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