Experience summary of acupuncture combined with syndrome differentiation in the treatment of insomnia
投稿时间:2024-12-27  修订日期:2024-12-27
中文关键词: 失眠  眼针疗法  针药结合  同病异治
英文关键词: Insomnia  eye acupuncture therapy  combination of acupuncture and medicine  different treatment for the same disease
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      Insomnia, as the most common sleep disorder disease in clinic, seriously affects the physical and mental health and quality of life of patients, and traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in the treatment of insomnia. This article summarizes Professor Wang Yaqun ''s clinical experience in treating insomnia with eye acupuncture combined with traditional Chinese medicine, and shares three medical cases of Professor Wang ''s living method using Guipi Decoction, Chaihu Guizhi plus Longgu Muli Decoction, Qianjin Qishao Guigui Fugui Xiong Decoction combined with eye acupuncture to treat insomnia. Although it is the same disease, the syndrome differentiation and the selection of prescriptions and acupoints are all different.
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