Based on the principle of “ balancing both deficiency and blood stasis, treating muscles and bones simultaneously ” to treat knee osteoarthritisGuo Enping12 Chen Linglong1 Wang Dan1 Ye Xiaoang2 Wu Lianguo3
投稿时间:2024-06-17  修订日期:2024-06-17
中文关键词: 膝骨关节炎  肾虚血瘀  虚瘀并重  治则
英文关键词: Knee osteoarthritis  Kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome  balancing both deficiency and blood stasis  Therapeutic principle
摘要点击次数: 13
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      膝骨关节炎(knee osteoarthritis, KOA)属于中医学“骨痹”“膝痹”范畴,中医药在治疗该病中所扮演的角色越来越重要,但是中医学者们对本病的治疗原则尚未达成统一共识。吴连国教授认为本病在临床上以肾虚血瘀证较为常见,并提出了“虚瘀并重,筋骨兼治”的治疗原则,治疗上采用中药与针刀相结合的治疗方式,内外同治,临床疗效良好,值得进一步研究和推广,以期更好地指导临床。
      Knee osteoarthritis belongs to “bone arthralgia” and “knee arthralgia” category in Traditional Chinese medicine, and Chinese medicine plays an increasingly important role in the treatment of this disease. But Chinese medicine scholars have not reached a consensus on the treatment principle. Professor Wu Lianguo believed that kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is the most common clinical manifestation of this disease, and proposed the therapeutic principle of “balancing both deficiency and blood stasis, treating muscles and bones simultaneously”, to guide the clinical practice better. The combination of Traditional Chinese medicine and acupotomology is adopted in the treatment, and the clinical effect is good, which is worthy of further research and promotion.
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