Shen Yuanliang''s Experience in Treating Insomnia with Febrile Disease of Shao School Prescription
投稿时间:2024-04-25  修订日期:2024-04-25
中文关键词: 绍派伤寒方剂  名医经验  沈元良  不寐  对药  医案
英文关键词: febrile disease of Shao school prescription  experience of renowned doctors  professor Shen Yuanliang  insomnia  matched pair of medicine  medical cases.
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      Professor Shen Yuanliang believes that etiology and pathogenesis of insomnia are imbalance of yin and yang,and loss of nourishment of the five organs. Clinically,there are five types of insomnia:heart and spleen deficiency,liver depression and qi stagnation,heart fire disturbing the mind,spleen and stomach disharmony,and heart kidney disharmony.Corresponding febrile disease of Shao school prescriptions are used for treatment.Among them,1.modified Qifu Yin is used to treat heart and spleen deficiency;2.modified Chaihu Shugan San is used to treat liver depression and qi stagnation;3.modified Daochi Qingxin Tang is used to treat heart fire disturbance; 4.modified Haoqin Qingdan Tang is used to treat spleen and stomach disharmony; 5.modified Zuo Gui Yin combined with Er Yin decoction is used to treat heart kidney disharmony.At the same time,on the basis of syndrome differentiation and classification,corresponding matched pair of medicine can be added to improve the therapeutic effect.Each medical case is accompanied by a note explaining the use of prescription and medication,followed by a summary.Professor Shen"s experience in using febrile disease of Shao school prescriptions to treat insomnia has achieved significant therapeutic effects,and his medication has certain characteristics,providing valuable experience for the treatment of insomnia with traditional Chinese medicine.
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