Research on the Origin of Camphor Pear in the Compendium of Materia Medica
投稿时间:2024-04-08  修订日期:2024-04-08
中文关键词: 中药  樟梨  基原  考证
英文关键词: Keywords Chinese medicine  Camphor pear  Origin  textual research
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      摘要 目的:为古籍《本草纲目拾遗》中记载的樟梨概括出基原学依据。 方法:通过古今本草文献及植物学的考证,对野外实物进行收集观察,从文献、原植物、性状、采收、炮制、功用、化学成分、有毒无毒等方面进行集成研究。 结果:确认古今文献所收载的樟梨和樟梨子的一致性,厘清中药樟梨子的基原及影响因素。 结论:通过对中药樟梨的基原考证,系统性概括出樟梨子作为中药应用的依据,提出新的基原表达和性状描述的建议。展望前景,樟梨子的实验室研究应当得到发展,其药用价值应当得到进一步地开发利用。
      Abstract Objective: To summarize the fundamental basis of the Zhangli tree recorded in the ancient book "Supplement toCompendium of Materia Medica". Method: Through the research of ancient and modern herbal literature and botany, collect and observe wild objects, and conduct integrated research from aspects such as literature, original plants, characteristics, harvesting, processing, function, chemical composition, toxicity and non toxicity. Result: Confirmed the consistency between camphor pear and camphor pear fruit recorded in ancient and modern literature, clarified the origin and influencing factors of traditional Chinese medicine camphor pear fruit. Conclusion: Through the study of the origin of the traditional Chinese medicine Zhangli, a systematic summary of Zhangli fruit as the basis for its application in traditional Chinese medicine is proposed, and new suggestions for the expression and characterization of the origin are proposed. Looking ahead, laboratory research on camphor pear should be developed, and its medicinal value should be further developed and utilized.
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