Examples of National TCM Master Yang Chunbo’s Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Yin Deficiency and Damp-heat Constipation
投稿时间:2023-04-05  修订日期:2023-04-05
中文关键词: 便秘  名医经验 杨春波  临床验案
英文关键词: Constipation  Famous doctor experience  Yang Chunbo  Clinical case
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82174365);福建省自然科学基金(2020J01253); 学部委员杨春波国医大师学术传承与传播(CI2022E017XB)
摘要点击次数: 117
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      Yin deficiency and damp-heat constipation is a special type of damp-heat constipation. Because of its damp-heat and Yin deficiency, and the treatment methods of both ends contradict each other, so clinical treatment is quite difficult. Professor Yang Chunbo is the third national medical master, who is good at TCM differentiation and treatment of spleen and stomach diseases, collates and establishes Yang"s spleen-stomach damp-heat theoretical system with certain characteristics, and thinks that Yin deficiency is damp-heat, and the lesion center is still in spleen and stomach. The pathological nature is mainly damp-heat, followed by yin deficiency, and the treatment focuses on clearing damp-heat as the general principle, supplemented by flat tonifying yin, in order to reconcile the two ends of deficiency and dampness, to resolve the contradiction between yin deficiency and damp-heat.
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